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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

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Locked By ZynXModder
Hacked By Inzz

"Itami wo kanjiro itami wo kangaero. Itami wo uketore itami wo shire"
“Rasakanlah kepedihan, pikirkanlah kepedihan, terimalah kepedihan untuk mengenali kepedihan.”

- ! Kalimalang BlackHat Team ! -
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Thanks For Friends :
- Zynn - Psycodes - Mr.Crush - Dpc Crazy - CurutG0t403 - SonySec07 - Mr.Venom - BentoSec21 -

Greetz :
- Kalimalang BlackHat Team - MukoMuko Cyber Team - Jakarta BlackHat Cybercrime - Palembang BlackHat Cybercrime - From Lammer To Mastah - Jakarta Xploiter -